Power2Drive: New Webasto
Unite Charging Solution

At this year’s Power2Drive Europe 2022 trade fair in Munich, which takes place from May 11 to 13, Webasto will introduce the first joint product resulting from its new partnership with Vestel.

Gilching – May 12, 2022 – Webasto, systems partner to the electromobility sector, will showcase a special highlight at Booth 560, Hall B6 at this year’s Power2Drive. Vestel, a crosssector manufacturer of electronics and mobile technologies among others, together with the innovative automotive supplier, will introduce their first joint product, the smart wallbox Webasto Unite.
Charging solution for businesses
The new Webasto Unite wallbox is the optimal charging solution for all business customers. The unit’s charging capacity can easily be scaled up to 22 kW. Local load management prevents load peaks and network overloads and it also operates in stand-alone as well as cluster mode. The Webasto Unite currently complies with the Measurement Instruments Directive (MID). This means that all factory-new wallboxes are supplied with the corresponding MID declaration of conformity. Conformity with calibration regulations will follow in the fall of 2022, opening up the option of also deploying the Webasto Unite in public areas of Germany. Furthermore, the wallbox can easily be integrated into various energy management systems and the unit also features DC residual current protection.
Comfortable control and management via a digital platform solution
The new Webasto Unite can, like all of Webasto’s smart wallboxes, be conveniently and intuitively controlled via Webasto ChargeConnect – regardless of whether the app or web portal are used. This, for example, allows wallbox owners to start and stop charging sessions
remotely. Authentication can also be accomplished via the Webasto ChargeConnect app, RFID or Scan & Charge. To enable this feature, the wallbox is always online and transmits its data 24/7. The data appears in both the Webasto ChargeConnect portal and the app, thereby
ensuring maximum transparency and control. Webasto ChargeConnect can also be used for billing: Charging data can be exported and provided for billing purposes. Data security is afforded high priority with Webasto ChargeConnect: Comprehensive measures have been taken to ensure that privacy and personal data are protected in compliance with all provisions of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and local data protection legislation.
“We are pleased to have collaborated with Vestel in the development of a wallbox that is precisely tailored to the requirements of business customers. The Webasto Unite fulfills the high requirements relating to quality and security and has been subjected to all of Webasto’s demanding processes. The Unite is well-positioned to open up new customer segments on the basis of the current MID and its forthcoming compliance with calibration regulations. In combination with our powerful Webasto ChargeConnect platform solution, we are delivering in the Webasto Unite a charging solution that is perfectly suited for a very broad range of applications,” concludes Karl Kolmsee, Head of Product Portfolio Management Energy Systems at Webasto.